Spring Cleaning… Your Beauty Products

Alchimie Forever Spring Cleaning....Your Beauty Products.  Make spring cleaning your beauty products easier with these helpful tips.

When is the last time you "Spring Cleaned" your bathroom cabinets. Here are our recommendations for how to organize, reorganize, and Marie Kondo your beauty products. 

  1. Check expiration dates and PAO symbols. Expiration dates are easy – anything past its prime needs to be discarded. The PAO symbol is the open jar drawing on your skin and body care products with a number and the letter M inside of it. 12M means use within 12 months of opening. That is sometimes harder to keep track… a good tip is to write the open date on the bottom of a jar or the side of a bottle to serve as a reminder. Products will lose their efficacy over time, and even possibly develop bacteria or other contaminants.  
  2. Organize by category. If you’re like us, you own a few different eye creams, various moisturizers, more than one serum, and a couple of masks. Put like with like and order them so as to mirror the order in which you apply products (always from thinner to thicker textures). 
  3. Clean your brushes with soap (or shampoo) and water regularly. This applies to makeup brushes, but also to the brush heads of any cleansing device you may use. 
  4. If you use a body loofah in the shower, replace it regularly. Spring cleaning applies to products as much as it does to tools and accessories. 
  5. Remember to update your skin care products for Spring the way you do your clothes. It’s time to transition to a lighter moisturizer, to recommit to SPF, and to start paying attention to your body  
Alchimie Forever Brightening Moisture Mask and Gentle Refining ScrubAlchimie Forever Brightening Moisture Mask and Gentle Refining Scrub


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