The Alchemist Blog

What to expect in the New Year?
We expect to see more of these skin care trends in the coming year.
Get To Know Our Founder, Dr. Luigi L. Polla
In honor of National Doctor Day, get to know our founder, Dr. Luigi Polla.
5 Tips for Youthful Hands
Alchimie Forever's favorite tips to keep your hands looking youthful.
Consuming Too Much Sugar Accelerates Aging
It's not all sugar and spice and everything nice when it comes to your skin.
Uneven Pigmentation? Here Is What You Need To Know

You've got questions and we've got answers to your most frequently asked questions.

Why Is Rosemary Good For My Skin?
This potent antioxidant can be found in many of our products.


Vegan, sans gluten, sans cruauté envers les animaux.