10 Tips For Skin Care In Dryer Months

10 Tips For Skin Care In Dryer Months - Alchimie Forever

The changing of seasons and the arrival of cooler, dryer weather is a perfect opportunity to relook at your skin care products and regimens, and make some adjustments.

Colder temperatures bring with them dryer air, so your skin does not get as much moisture from its surroundings. And heated interiors can leave the skin feeling dry and flaky, sometimes even uncomfortable, rough, and red. 

Here are ten tips to help your complexion remain calm, hydrated, and radiant throughout the fall and winter.

  1. Switch to our Gentle Cream Cleanser and save your Purifying Gel Cleanser for the more humid months. 
  2. Even though a hot bath or shower is oh-so tempting in cooler temperatures, try to resist. Hot water breaks down the skin’s natural moisturizing lipids and leave it feeling even dryer.
  3. Add more moisture with our Kantic+ Nourishing Cream. In the fall and winter, use this in the evenings or twice daily, depending on how dry and tight your skin is feeling. After applying to your face, apply any extra on your fingers to your lips. This will help protect your lips in these dryer months.
  4. A nourishing body cream such as our Soothing Body Lotion is also a must to keep “crocodile legs” at bay. 
  5. As a hydrating-booster treatment, use our Kantic Brightening Moisture Mask at least twice weekly. If you feel like you don’t have time for a mask, try applying it first thing in the morning upon entering the bathroom, and remove it at the end of you shower. It doesn’t add any time to you routine, and provides instant hydration and radiance.
  6. A good humidifier will help combat the air’s dryness. A no-cost alternative is to place bowls of water in the rooms you spend most of your time in. As the water evaporates, it will add moisture to the air.
  7. Fall is also the perfect time to recommit to treatment products such as serums, including our Sérum jeunesse rétinol. Our 0.75% retinol serum has a proprietary time-release technology to minimize irritation. The European blueberry, in synergy with hydrating hyaluronic acid, jojoba, and collagen-boosting red clover, calms the skin and helps to minimize side effects typically associated with retinol.
  8. Protect your hands with gloves when going outside, and use hand cream religiously, at least after every time you wash your hands or apply hand sanitizer. Our Dry Skin Balm is perfect to help heal chapped hands, and works wonders on the feet as well!  
  9. Also remember to protect your eye contour area, which has fewer sebaceous glands and thus tends to get dryer faster. Our Rejuvenating Eye Balm is perfect twice a day, remember to only use a rice kernel amount. 
  10. Finally, remember to hydrate from the inside out by drinking plenty of water. Tea is a wonderful warm alternative to water if you prefer. 

Learn more about adjusting your skin care or the seasons by watching Ada's video, How to Winterize Your Skin Care Routine.

Alchimie Forever Brightening Moisture Mask and Gentle Refining ScrubAlchimie Forever Brightening Moisture Mask and Gentle Refining Scrub

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