What Is Retinol And How Should I Use It?

Everything that you need to know about retinol, the “gold standard” ingredient for anti-aging.

Retinol is often referred to as the “gold standard” ingredient for anti-aging. In fact, our founder, Dr. Luigi L. Polla, recommends anyone (not nursing or pregnant) in their 40s incorporate this ingredient in to their skin care routine. 

Here is what you need to know about our Sérum jeunesse rétinol

What kind of retinol are we using?
Pure retinol and micro-sponge retinol (a unique and proprietary technology). Part of the retinol is loaded inside a sponge-like mechanism, something akin to a “reservoir”; over 24-48 hours after application, the natural sebum in our skin dissolves the “sponge,” thus releasing the retinol little by little. This timed and controlled release of the active enables its use at efficacious levels, with minimal irritation and fewer side effects that are typically associated with retinol.

Dryer skin types with less sebum will have a slower retinol release versus oilier skin types – which is desired as retinol irritation is typically greater the dryer the skin.

How much retinol are we using?
0.75% total concentration. You would be surprised by how few brands state the % of retinol contained in their product. We love transparency, and you will see this figure on our packaging and in our marketing materials.

Who is this product for?
Women in the late 30s+ who wish to control and manage the signs of skin aging. This is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive, and all skin tones. Please keep in mind that the more sensitive you are, the less frequently you will want to use this product (start once a week – and maybe stay at once a week).

Who is this product not for?
Nursing and pregnant women. Anyone who is absolutely averse to any side effects (such as flaking) whatsoever, no matter how well a product works.

At what age should you start using retinol? 

What other ingredients are we using?

To enhance the anti-aging benefits of the product and minimize irritation and side effects, we are using a cocktail of antioxidants with nourishing, calming, soothing, and anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Hyaluronic acid (Sodium hyaluronate) - Hydration, skin plumping
  • Jojoba Oil - Hydration
  • Vitamin E - Hydration, antioxidant
  • Vitamin C (Ascorbyl glucoside) - Antioxidant, brightening effect, non-photo-sensitizing form of Vitamin C
  • European Blueberry - Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-redness
  • Green Tea - Soothing, calming, anti-inflammatory
  • Red Clover (Isoflavones) - Antioxidant, calming & soothing, stimulates the skin’s natural collagen production
  • Edelweiss - Antioxidant, natural sun protection filaments
  • Apple Stem Cells - Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory

How do we recommend you use it?
Apply a pea-sized amount in the evening to clean, dry skin, on face and neck, avoiding the eye area, two to three times per week. Follow with a moisturizer to buffer the product if desired. For those with sensitive skin, start off using once per week to allow skin to acclimate, and gradually work up to recommended frequency of use. Protect your results by wearing sunscreen daily. Flaking and redness may be possible. Avoid facial waxing for 72 hours pre and post application

Which other Alchimie Forever products are best used in conjunction?
Because retinol is prone to increased photosensitivity. Protect your results by using our Protective Day Cream SPF 23 every morning.

Buffer the product (to minimize any side effects) by using our Kantic+ Nourishing Cream every evening.

Use our Gentle Refining Scrub and Kantic Brightening Moisture Mask weekly to help with any flaking and redness.

To optimize the anti-pigmentation results, use our Sérum jeunesse rétinol with the Pigment Perfecting Serum. Not layered, but rather at different times – use the Pigment Perfecting Serum every morning, and on the evenings you are not using the Sérum jeunesse rétinol.

Watch to learn more about our Advanced Retinol Serum.

Alchimie Forever Brightening Moisture Mask and Gentle Refining ScrubAlchimie Forever Brightening Moisture Mask and Gentle Refining Scrub

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